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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are Helahel Members Genuine?

A. Yes! While anyone can sign up to Helahel, our admin team work hard to ensure only genuine profiles remain on this site. If you suspect a user is not genuine, you can report users on their profile page.

Q. Is Online Muslim Dating Safe?

A. Yes, if you adhere to the rules and never give out personal information. We recommend exchanging messages for a few weeks before giving out further contact details such as social media or phone numbers (never your home address). If you have been talking for a while and have reached the stage where you wish to meet, always let friends and family know. Always meet in a public place and take a Wali or friend with you - this will also ensure the meeting remains Halal.

Q. How Do I Sign Up?

A. Visit the sign up page or scroll to the top of the homepage to fill in the registration box. We just require your name, email address and password to set up an account with us.

Q. How Old Do I have to Be to Sign Up?

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A. All users must be above the age of 18 to register. Users under the age of 18 will be strictly deleted.

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Q. Can I Change my Password?

A. We understand that passwords get forgotten, so we’ve created a forgotten password page to create a new one.

Q. I’ve found a Partner! How Do I Delete My Account Now?

A. Congratulations! You can login and head to our delete account page once you no longer require our help.

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Q. I Have a Question for Other Members, Is There Somewhere to Share This?

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A. Absolutely! Visit the Helahel forum to post any questions or thoughts you may have. Please adhere to the terms and conditions while using this service – you can report users for violation of these terms and an admin member will look into it.